name: ELVI
designer: Mano de Santo, Tarkett
edited by: ravail khan | designboom
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ELVI urban birdhouse game playfully gives second life to used linoleum
Mano de Santo, in collaboration with Tarkett, introduces ELVI, an urban birdhouse game that explores the transformative power of reusing materials. With its user-friendly and adaptable design, the game showcases how second life given to raw, renewable materials such as linoleum can provide opportunities for learning, awareness, and coexistence with small animals that cohabit with us in urban environments. Its mount components, becoming part of our everyday life, adapt perfectly to various urban elements such as streetlights, trees, bars, balconies, and signs, either individually or in groups. Further, ELVI’s eco-friendly and resistant design spotlights linoleum’s hygienic properties and its ability to be recycled for an interactive learning experience.
all images courtesy of Mano de Santo
ELVI engages with the versatility of linoleum, a material recognized for its sustainability, comfort, and durability as a flooring solution. Composed of natural and renewable ingredients like linseed oil, pine rosin, wood, cork flour, and jute, linoleum has proven resilient in applications ranging from schools and hospitals to public institutions and businesses. In line with the values of French design atelier Tarkett, its recyclability further ensures that after initial use, it can be repurposed into raw materials for new floors — a quality that Mano de Santo (more here), seeks to teach through ELVI’s design and operation. The game seeks to foster awareness and respect for urban animals and the environment through educating users on the material’s potential for recovery and recycling.
Mano de Santo and Tarkett present ELVI
an urban game that explores the transformative power of reusing materials
ELVI showcases how second life given to raw materials such as linoleum can provide opportunities for learning
ELVI’s eco-friendly and resistant design spotlights linoleum’s hygienic properties
the modular design is easy to assemble
name: ELVI
designer: Mano de Santo, Tarkett
edited by: ravail khan | designboom