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Dezeen x Planted collaboration will showcase brands and products that "improve lives today without damaging tomorrow" by Dezeen

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Benchmark's Sage collection

Dezeen x Planted collaboration will showcase brands and products that "improve lives today without damaging tomorrow"

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Dezeen has teamed up with Planted, a new design show dedicated to reconnecting cities with nature, to present a virtual showcase of sustainable design brands and products.

The Ori Collection designed by Another Country
Ori Collection by Another Country will feature in the Dezeen x Planted collaboration. Top image: Benchmark's Sage range

Going live from today, the collaboration will showcase more than ten brands chosen by Planted for their environmental credentials.

Selected brands include VestreBenchmark, Form & Refine, String, Another Country and Iittala.

Planted Unplugged talks during LDF

Dezeen x Planted coincides with Planted's launch at London Design Festival (LDF) this week, where it is hosting a series of three talks on sustainable design called Planted Unplugged and led by designer Oliver Heath and Planted Co-founder Sam Peters.

Planted Unplugged stage in Granary Square, Kings Cross
The Planted Unplugged talks will take place in Granary Square, London

Planted Unplugged speakers include Sebastian CoxOksana Bondar and Andrew Waugh of Waugh Thistleton, who will come together to discuss how design can help tackle carbon emissions.

The talks will take place at Granary Square, Kings Cross, within a purpose-built outdoor studio by Biotecture with furniture provided by Vestre.

"Reconnecting cities with nature"

Planted was founded by entrepreneur Deborah Spencer, who previously founded design exhibition designjunction, and her partner Sam Peters with Alice Breed and Stewart Dodd. It will explore ways of "reconnecting cities with nature" through design.

Biophilic design expert Oliver Heath
Biophilic design expert Oliver Heath will lead the Planted Unplugged talks

"Planted's genesis came about more than three years ago when our daughter was born and my husband Sam and I realised we had to find a way to live more sustainably in every sense," Spencer told Dezeen.

"We had a shared love of design, sustainability and nature and we started thinking seriously about how we could work together in a formal capacity."

Planted impacted by coronavirus

Planted had intended to launch with a physical fair earlier this year. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, this has been postponed to May 2021.

Instead, the Dezeen x Planted collaboration will provide an opportunity for brands to showcase their products online.

Planted Unplugged stage
Planted Unplugged stage by Biotecture

"We remain very much committed to being a physical show, although potentially in more of a hybrid form," added Spencer. "I'd say the future is more online, but no way is it completely online. "There is clearly a move towards hybrid events."

Visit the to view the showcase of brands and products that will be published over the coming days and watch the Planted Unplugged talks at




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